Guillaume Dufay and Gilles Binchois, ca 1400
Guillaume Dufay and Gilles Binchois, ca 1400

Matthew 19:28 [Latin]

28 And Jesus said to them: Amen, I say to you, that you, who have followed me, in the regeneration, when the Son of man shall sit on the seat of his majesty, you also shall sit on twelve seats judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

Vos, qui secuti estis me, sedebitis super sedes, judicantes duodecim tribus Israel. 

Communio: Vos qui secuti estis me, from Missa Sancti Jacobi (or Iacobi), composed by Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474)

Missa Sancti Jacobi: IX. Communio, Vos qui secuti estis me

Performed by Cappella Pratensis

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Throne of Grace, with Sts. Francis of Assisi, Mary Magdalen, John the Baptist (perhaps), & a Prophet, Florentine School, 1416-1430, tempera, gold, wood, inv 40006- Pinacoteca Vaticana - Vatican Museums.
Throne of Grace, with Sts. Francis of Assisi, Mary Magdalen, John the Baptist (perhaps), & a Prophet, Florentine School, 1416-1430. Vatican Museums. (via Wikimedia Commons)

Hebrews 4:16; Psalm 44:1 [Latin: Hebraeos 4:16; Psalmi 44:2]

Let us come with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and may find grace in seasonable aid. Psalm. My heart hath uttered a good word: I speak my works to the King.

Adeámus cum fidúcia ad thronum grátiæ, ut misericórdiam consequámur, et grátiam inveniámus in auxílio opportúno. Ps. 44:2. Eructávit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego ópera mea Regi.

Introit: Adeamus, for The Feast of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, from Graduale Romanum, Solesmes, 1961, p. 587A or The Liber Usualis, Solesmes, 1961, p. 1612.1

Adeamus, Introit for the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sung by Schola Bellarmina

Free sheet music in YouTube video above or at GregoBase

The Heart of Mary, by Leopold Kupelwieser (1796–1862)
The Heart of Mary, by Leopold Kupelwieser (1796–1862) | photo by Diana Ringo / CC BY-SA 4.0

John 19:26-27 [German]

26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.

Frau, hier siehe deinen Sohn,
Und du, siehe deine Mutter!

Additional text:
Mutter Jesu, die du trostlos weinend, Seufzend bei dem Kreuze standst, Und die Qualen seines Leidens
In der Stund’ des bittern Schneidens Siebenfach in dir empfandst.
Kaum mehr fähig, dich zu fassen, Und doch standhaft und gelassen, Nimmst als Sohn den freuen Jünger
Und mit ihm auch uns als Kinder an.
Mutter Jesu, o du Zuflucht aller Sünder, Hör das Flehen deiner Kinder.
O du Zuflucht aller Sünder, Steh uns bei im letzten Streit, Mutter voll der Zärtlichkeit, O steh uns allen bei!
Wenn wir mit dem Tode ringen
Und aus dem beklemmten Herzen
Unsre Seufzer zu dir dringen,
Lass uns, Mutter, lass uns da nicht unterliegen!

Translation of additional text:
Mother of Jesus, weeping in despair, standing sighing by the Cross, and in the hour of bitter parting, the torments of his suffering thou didst feel in sevenfold measure.
Barely conscious in thy anguish, yet ever steadfast and composed, thou didst take as thy son the faithful disciple and didst take all of us as thy children.
Mother of Jesus, refuge of all sinners, hear the entreaty of thy children.
Refuge of all sinners, be with us in our final throes, Mother full of tenderness be our succour!
When with death we struggle and the sighs of our fearful hearts rise aloft to thee, let us not, Mother, let us not succumb!
Help us to overcome the enemy.
Be with us in our final throes!
When at last with death we struggle, show us that thou art our Mother and, O Mother, intercede for us with thy Son.

3. Frau, hier siehe deinen Sohn, from The Seven Last Words of our Saviour on the Cross (Hob.XX:2), composed by Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Die Sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze, Hob. XX:2: "Frau, hier siehe deinen Sohn,...

Performed by Arnold Schönberg Chor, Concentus Musicus Wien

Free sheet music at Choral Public Domain Library

Josef Rheinberger
Josef Rheinberger

Psalm 28:7 [Latin: Psalm 27:7]

The Lord is my helper and my protector: in him hath my heart confided, and I have been helped. And my flesh hath flourished again, and with my will I will give praise to him.

In Deo sperávit cor meum, et adjútus sum: et reflóruit caro mea, et ex voluntáte mea confitébor illi

In Deo Speravit, from Motetten Op. 163, composed by Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901)

Performed by Morse Chorale, Yale University

Free sheet music at Choral Public Domain Library