
YouTube playlist for Acts

Playlist: Acts (Bible)

Chapter 1

Viri Galilaei [Ye men of Galilee] (Acts 1:10-11) – Patrick Gowers

Viri Galilaei / Ascendit Deus [Ye men of Galilee / God is ascended] (Acts 1:11; Psalm 47:5; Psalm 103:19) – Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Chapter 2

Dum complerentur dies pentecostes [When the day of Pentecost] (Acts 2:1-2; John 20:19) – G. P. da Palestrina

Dum complerentur dies Pentecostes [When the day of Pentecost was fully come] (Acts 2:1-2, John 20:19) – Tomás Luis de Victoria

Factus est repente [It happened suddenly] (Acts 2: 2, 4) – Gregor Aichinger

Factus est repente (Acts 2:2,4) – James MacMillan

Chapter 12

Nunc scio vere (Acts 12:11; Psalm 139:1-2) – Wacław Z. Szamotuł

Chapter 26

Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich? (Acts 26:14) – Heinrich Schütz

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