Song of Solomon

YouTube playlist for Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Playlist: Song of Solomon (Bible)

Chapter 1

Nigra sum [I am black] (Song of Solomon 1:4-5; 2:10b-12a) – Pablo Casals

Nolite me considerare quod fusca sim, Vineam meam non custodivi (Song of Solomon 1:6-7) – Chant, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Chapter 2

I am the Rose of Sharon (Song of Solomon 2:1-5,7-8,10-11) – William Billings

Membra Jesu nostri [The most holy limbs of our suffering Jesus] (Nahum 1:15a; Isaiah 66:12b; Zachariah 13:6a; Song of Solomon 2:13b,14a; 1 Peter 2:2-3; Song of Solomon 4:9a; Psalm 31:16) – Dietrich Buxtehude

Nigra sum [I am black] (Song of Solomon 1:4-5; 2:10b-12a) – Pablo Casals

My beloved spake (Song of Solomon 2:10-13,16) – Henry Purcell

My beloved spake (Song of Solomon 2:10-13) – Patrick Hadley

Canticum Canticorum I [Song of Songs] (Song of Solomon 2:10-13; 6:10,12; 7:10-12) – Ivan Moody

Arise, my love (Song of Solomon 2:10-14) – Stephen Paulus

Chapter 4

Membra Jesu nostri [The most holy limbs of our suffering Jesus] (Nahum 1:15a; Isaiah 66:12b; Zachariah 13:6a; Song of Solomon 2:13b,14a; 1 Peter 2:2-3; Song of Solomon 4:9a; Psalm 31:16) – Dietrich Buxtehude

Tota pulchra es [You are completely beautiful] (Song of Solomon 4: 7) – Jean Mouton

Tota Pulchra Es [You are altogether beautiful] (Song of Solomon 4: 7,11; 2: 11-13; 4: 8) – Heinrich Isaac

Chapter 6

Canticum Canticorum I [Song of Songs] (Song of Solomon 2:10-13; 6:10,12; 7:10-12) – Ivan Moody

Chapter 7

Quam pulchra es (Song of Solomon 7:6,7,5,4,11,12) – John Dunstaple

Canticum Canticorum I [Song of Songs] (Song of Solomon 2:10-13; 6:10,12; 7:10-12) – Ivan Moody

Chapter 8

Greater love hath no man (Song of Solomon 8:7,6; John 15:13; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 Peter 2:9; Romans 12:1) – John Ireland

Set me as a seal upon thine heart (Song of Solomon 8:6-7) – Sir William Walton

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