Miserere mihi, Domine [Have mercy on me, O Lord] (Psalm 86:3,5,1) – Chant

Psalm 86:3,5,1 [Latin: Psalmi 85:3,5,1] – Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I have cried to Thee all the day; for Thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild, and plenteous in mercy
to all that call upon Thee.

Incline Thine ear to me, O Lord, and hear me; for I am needy and poor.

Miserére mihi, Dómine, quóniam ad te clamávi tota die: quia tu, Dómine, suávis ac mitis es, et copiósus in misericórdia ómnibus invocántibus te.

Inclína, Dómine, aurem tuam mihi, et exáudi me: quóniam inops et pauper sum ego

Leaf from a Psalter: Initial D: David in Prayer before an Altar and Christ in a Cloud. "Have mercy on me, O Lord"
Detail of leaf from a Psalter: Initial D: David in Prayer before an Altar and Christ in a Cloud

Miserere mihi .. ad te, Introit chant for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost, from Graduale Romanum, Solesmes, 1961, p. 363, or The Liber Usualis, Solesmes, 1961, p. 1044

Introitus: Miserere ... ad te

Sung by Marek Klein

Free sheet music in scrolling YouTube video above or at GregoBase

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