In Virtute Tua (Psalm 21:1-3) – Grzegorz Gorczycki Posted on July 18, 2022 Posted in Gorczycki, Grzegorz (c.1665-1734) Commemorative plaque dedicated to Grzegorz Gerwazy Gorczycki on the facade of the Divine Mercy Church in Kraków Psalm 21:1-3 [Latin Vulgate: Psalm 20:2-3] 2 In thy strength, O Lord, the king shall joy; and in thy salvation he shall rejoice exceedingly. 3 Thou hast given him his heart’s desire: and hast not withholden from him the will of his lips IN virtúte tua, Dómine, lætábitur justus, et super salutáre tuum exsultábit veheménter: desidérium ánimæ ejus tribuísti ei. In virtute tua, composed by Grzegorz Gorczycki (c.1665-1734) In Virtute Tua DomineWatch this video on YouTube Performed by The Sixteen SHEET MUSIC – Available for purchase at J.W. Pepper