Song of Solomon 4: 7 [Latin]You are completely beautiful, my love, and there is no flaw in you.

Tota pulchra es amica mea, et macula non est in te.

The Fiancee of the Night (The Song of Songs) - by Gustave Moreau (1826–1898)
The Fiancee of the Night (The Song of Songs) – by Gustave Moreau (1826–1898)


“Tota pulchra es” for 4 voices a cappella, composed by Jean Mouton (c. 1459-1522). From Anne Boleyn Songbook, MS 1070, in the Royal College of Music. The text is from the Canticum Canticorum 4:7 (Song of Songs).

The Gesualdo Six: Tota pulchra es by Jean Mouton

Sung by The Gesualdo Six

Free sheet music at Choral Public Domain Library